Roadtrip 2012
SEMA & Goodguys Tour
- Nevada, Arizona & California -

Welcome to Reno, Nevada.

Our hotel.

On a "mainstreet" building downtown, holy cow!

Check the size of that neon clown sign. Janne is standing on the street below the clown.

Getting another rental car in Reno, hoping to go topless when in San Francisco.
This is a 2012 Chrysler 200 Convertible. Not our first choise, but the only convertible thay had at Reno airport that day.
We were hoping to get a Chevrolet Camaro convertible or a Ford Mustang convertible. The Chrysler was ok, a bit underpowered though.

Reno Harley Davidson.

Got myself a cool helmet.

Then off to the candy store - Summit racing.

Janne found something for her Corvette.

Another happy customer. :-)

At the Summit parking lot.